mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Tired Boy

We've had a very busy day today. I went to the gym at 8am again this morning. Then home for a quick shower and off out again to meet my parents at Dobbies for breakfast (it's BOGOF!). After breakfast and a quick look round Dobbies we headed into Edinburgh to Costco to get some things we were needing. Back home for lunch for the boys and we had hoped a nap but they weren't keen on that.

The boys ate all their lunch which was just as well as it was time to go to Livingston for their swimming lessons. Logan's lesson is first, Mr Mono goes in the pool with the kids and I look after them on dry land. While Logan had his lesson Aidan and I went to the soft play. Aidan had a great time, I was really surprised he was coping so well without a sleep. Switched the boys over, time for Aidan's lesson and Logan to come food shopping with me. Logan and I went to Aldi and Morrisons and got petrol. We arrived back at the pool just as Mr Mono and Aidan were coming out the building, perfect timing. Back home to make dinner, then bath and bed for the boys. Phew!

Work tomorrow, yuk!

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