The smile of the brocken spectre hunters

You danced! We did it!

I dreamt of brocken spectres last night, so much my head was spinning this morning.  The probability of this coming off this week was really, really slim - dare I say, beyond exceptionally unlikely?!

So.  I almost had to question what I was seeing out of the window this morning.  Was my head still in slumber?  

Or was it FOG?!
Dash for glasses. Check once. Check twice. And again, just to be sure.

I could even see blue sky and fog.  The perfect combination, and it was only just after 7am!  I was desperately hoping Jason hadn't slept in, missed his alarm in the excitement, so I sent a message just in case.  Nothing.

We didn't have a plan to meet because Little Dog is too slow to dash up the moors anymore and I didn't want to be the reason not to find one.  The fog had billowed up somewhat and I had to keep walking and encouraging Little Dog on to see if we were going to break through.

Sure enough, we began to emerge into the sunlight and warmth of the temperature inversion.  And there it was.  A brocken spectre!  But where was Jason?!

Almost at that point, a message comes through and he tells me he's not so far away.  Phew! I spot him silhouetted on the skyline.  So, with an infamous Bex whistle, we met up shortly afterwards with Jason finding his brocken spectre on the way.  But there were still more to come.  Right where we were, the wall of mist came back in and we stood in awe for a while enjoying the persistent spectre.

I was fairly certain Earthdreamer wasn't going to be too far away and sure enough, His Royal Nimbleness appeared out of the shadows not even vaguely out of breath. After chatting, we parted and headed on down, a little reluctantly into the mist. It was worthwhile - we enjoyed the cloud waxing and waning next to us and giving us a few more glimpses of brocken spectres as it began to rise out of the valley.

It was hard to tear myself away but with breakfast, a shower and Spanish ahead, time was now of the essence. 

But, what a morning!
C'était incroyable!

(brocken spectre as an extra because today's moment was of the people variety - a very special time indeed.) 
(update: and a first for me - two extras and a photo change.  I couldn't resist this one as my record once I saw it in mono.  I know you'll forgive me for being relegated to extras E - especially given I'm featuring your cairn :)

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