Go Me!

The stepmother of the bride accessories are now in place unless the fascination of a fascinator overcomes me before the wedding.

These gloves were obviously made in Asia where small means bird like, and so it was with some difficulty that I managed to try them on to my UK small hands. I am nothing if not a quitter, so on they went and if I feel that during the ceremony my circulation is compromised, I can remove them.....with difficulty though.

I feel a cottage industry starting on the Fair Isle beanie front with 4 orders in the pipeline. My book reading is suffering, relegated as it is to bed time when the book is likely to fall out of my hands, as my eyelids close especially if it is like the one I’m meant to be reading for next weeks’s book group. ‘The Milkman’ by Anna Burns is defeating me even if it is acclaimed as a Booker Prize winner. My brain is in my hands at the moment.

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