
By KatesGardenPDX

Little Daffodils!

I just love these little Tete-a-Tete daffodils - narcissus actually. About this time of year they're sold in almost-bloom in pots in stores around Portland (and elsewhere I'm sure!) Such a breath of spring! This year they're blooming outside just as the pots are available in stores...so I KNOW they're early!  All the Tete-a-Tetes in my garden have been planted from the myriad of pots of forced bulbs I've bought over the six or so years I've been in my current garden. They come back beautifully.

You probably know that Tete-a-Tete means "head-to-head" in French. They have two or more blooms per stalk, so they look like having a head-to-head conversation :-) They'll form a lovely colony if they're happy.

I felt well enough to day to go back to my Pilates class this morning (it's been a month!) followed by a lovely luncheon with my ladies networking group. Spent the afternoon working on my new website! 

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