
By Mindseye

Winter wonders

Thought I would sleep well after quizzing, didn't fair too well. We came probably 5/6th.....not our finest hour ;-)

A hard frost this morning, one of the neighbours woke us scrapping their windscreen.....poor devils ;-)

We took a drive to Dunham Masssey as it was so sunny, wrapped up as it was cold. We had seen a feature on the winter gardens on the local news last night, so expected it to be busier than normal, boy we were not wrong!

We had a coffee and sandwich early before going for our walk, hoping to miss the queues, didn't work out that way at all, so busy, glad its not always like that!

Took lots of photos, thought this snowdrop was the best image, depicts the time of year too! I have added a couple of extras.....we did spot some deer later on in the afternoon once the visitors had thinned out.

Clocked up 14k steps plus......have to admit I can feel the muscles in my legs tonight, after effects of my aerobics class on Wednesday I think.

I made lemon & parsley haddock, with sliced seasoned potatoes in the oven, with peas, sugar snap peas and griddled courgettes for dinner, it went down a treat :-)

Was hoping to join Grahams blipmeet on Sunday, but the weather forecast is rather going to spoil our plans I fear :-/

4/5/6/7 Feb =. 22 miles
Year to date = 115 miles

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