B&B, New Delhi, INDIA

Since AW and I decided he didn't need to come to MNL for the business I have to do there, due to the pollution levels and the fact that I wasn't going island-hopping anyway, I thought to detour for some 9 days to India again.  Naturally, I chose to visit places I've not yet been to.  AW doesn't want to visit India for a while because he still remembers when he fell ill last time.

Woke up at 06.00, packed the last bits in the cabin carry-all, then AW drove me to the train station for the 08.45 train to Schiphol Airport.  Due to a defective track, I had to wait 15 minutes (only).  Once there, I was told to go to a separate check-in counter.  I couldn't check in online yesterday and I thought there was something wrong, but, no, they simply decided to check all flight tickets bought through a travel agency for certain flights, just to see if the travel agencies aren't underselling the airline.  There was no problem, but things like this stick out in my memory.  I worked for a travel agency before I emigrated, and if you buy in bulk you are allowed a discount of some kind, but I suppose some rules have changed.  Anyway, the rest was a breeze.  I had some quality WiFi time with AW at the internet hub before walking to the gate.  The flight was full of Indians, particularly Sikhs, with their colourful turbans.  Most important for me was that I was somehow able to sleep well.  It helps when you're sitting in an exit row.

Arrived at Indira Gandhi International Airport at almost 01.00, some 10 minutes ahead of schedule.  It took long for the luggage to appear, and then, when I had found the guide with my name on a sign, we had to wait for two more Dutch travellers who also bought from the same agency.  The nicest part was going to the parking lot and seeing the Rajput, the same driver who has driven AW and me in the past!  I had specifically asked the travel agency to request their contacts here to reserve him for a week.  AW and the Rajput are good (FB) friends and they have agreed that the Rajput will keep an eye on me here to make sure I'm safe.  The other couple have an entirely different itinerary so we parted ways.   Arrived at the B&B at 02.30 and the Rajput and I will be off tomorrow after breakfast, and will scour Uttar Pradesh together.

WiFi here in Delhi is superb but I can't guarantee it after we leave.  Will do my best.  This was shot here at the B&B.  Good night!

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