Sewing day 2

A solid 9 hrs sleep last night was welcome.

Back to the same village hall as yesterday but to a group run by J, another sewing lady (the one that provided the lovely lunch last month), who has many skills. This is a ‘do your own thing session’ so plenty of variety going on.

The rabbit in the blip was sewn by the lady sitting next to me. A handsome gent who is waiting for his green cord trousers.

One of the ladies complained that her sewing machine wasn’t working properly so J had a look at it. We were surprised to find that several ladies weren’t aware of the need to clean around the bobbin casing, so J did the rounds. I took a picture of one of them. This should be clean shiny metal, not covered by a fluffy coating!!! (In extras, as I’ve never seen anything like this before). I’m pleased to say that I care for my machine, as it is ‘precious’ to me.

I finished the twin needle block started yesterday, so up to date.

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