
By TheOttawacker

Final session

Ottawacker Jr is a goalkeeper.

Being a goalkeeper, for Ottawacker Jr, is great, unless the ball is at the other end of the pitch. In which case, the goalposts move, as it were, and Ottawacker Jr ends up (as in the extra photo) running up the field and trying to score.

Which is fiiiiiiiine, I suppose, unless you lose the ball. Then there is a moment of silence, followed by an audible "Oh shit" and a chase back to the right end of the field.

He was chastised for the swearing by the coach. His response? "Mummy says it all the time."**

Had a rare and most welcome meeting of the Housing Association, as usual at the Mandarin Ogilvie. As always, I ate too much. 

**History is written by those with computers.

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