wild & precious life

By IrwellRiver


Given the awful weather (Storm Ciara), we booked tickets for an afternoon showing of Little Women at the cinema. I loved it and would love to see it again.

On our way through to Silverlink Odeon, we stopped at the Sage to have a look at the visiting Knife Angel. The quayside was very quiet due to the freezing wind and rain, which perhaps added to the eery and chilling effect of the sculpture. It was very powerful. I have blipped the back wing, as the amnesty blades laid out in this way really made an impression. Many of the personal messages had flown off the rails, but the knife angel stood firm and resolute carrying its message against violence and aggression.

@60plus and @dollydoug also have great recent blips about A. Bradley's Knife Angel Sculpture at The Sage, Gateshead.

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