
Quite an astounding day in many ways - a prayer walk this morning on my for the homeless guys and then later taking it out to people with Nate scootering along beside me...then Jud, Stephen and Carissa over for lunch and a prayer walk together. They, us, Juliane and the kids prayed around the bottom of Sa Penya - some pretty amazing things'll take me a while to process it. 
Amazing Juliane cooked us an incredible veggie lasagne (and enough for the homeless guys for lunch tomorrow) for dinner whilst Danny and Stephen were in the prison, Carissa was with the kids, and Jud and I had a work Skype. 

Absolutely shattered now.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The many gifts in this day - photos, words of encouragement from God, a beautiful little bit of material a homeless lady found and gifted me...
2) How clearly God can speak.
3) Time in the company of these fantastic people.

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