
By JanetH

Big kid really!

Woke to a winter wonderland this morning, with the snow still falling, and news that the schools had been closed and my other meetings today cancelled. That has given me a day to work at home and take a bit of time to recover and rest my voice. Still under par.

Took a couple of photos early this morning showing the garden in the snow but because of the poor lighting they weren't as good as I wanted so I decided to wait.

After a productive morning of work I decided to take a lunch time trip round the garden but the snow is already thawing fast and I wasn't really inspired. So there was only one thing for it, build a snowman. The things you HAVE to do for blip!!!

Can't remember the last time I built a snowman. I've been quite jealous of the photos of children playing in the snow, snowmen, snowball fights and sledging. I wanted to play too! I'm sure the little bit of fresh air and exercise wouldn't have done me any harm. Now I can have a productive afternoon as well!

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