Tiny Toadstools

(Or, could be "Minute Mushrooms", no idea whether they are edible or not - but they are certainly tiny, 2 or 3mm tall.)  

Getting into the car yesterday, I noticed these tiny creamy circles, and thought they were flowers; on closer inspection, realized they were toadstools. Remembered there was a challenge called Tiny Tuesday, so looked it up, and the theme is something you love or cherish - well, I certainly love this plot of Land at the moment, so much beauty and wonder on it. And I want to learn how to cherish it well for as long as we are its carers.

- finished another book given by HarlingDarling, Mornings in Jenin, by Susan Abulhawa. Hard to put down, stayed up way too late last night. Beautifully written. Heart wrenching. Challenging many prejudices that I was unaware of. Highly recommended.
- the sky dancing with swooping swallows all morning, all over
- picking a good bunch of asparagus, with only minor scratches from the terrible thorns, one went right through my welly

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