My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Keep still damn you!

Had a wander up the battle scarred -well, sledge scarred anyway- castle hill this afternoon after my run through the Staffordian snow. The intention was to get an arty shot of snow covered trees but with nothing really grabbing me this little thing started flitting about. Everytime I managed to get it in the viewfinder though it'd flit off to another branch/stump/rock so this is actually the only shot I got of it.

Should sort out next year's Christmas card!

I've never seen the castle so busy when there's nothing special on but take a wrong turn today and you'll be mown down by sledging teenagers. I suppose it's the hill on all sides that's the big draw. They weren't all on sledges either, the most bizarre alternative I saw being a pair of blow-up mattresses.

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