Jobby Letter

Gave myself a good talking to this morning to get the Jobby Letter done. Bowel Screening SNHS is done every 2 years in Scotland for over 50's. As Bowel Cancer has been in the family it's a relief to finally get it in the post.

I gave myself a lecture on how I've picked up other folks dog, cat, rabbit shite, cleaned boots after been out in the garden or on a farm. Shovelled horse manure. Worked in a nursing home where shite gets where you don't believe. Visited folks in hospital & as a family carer have had to occasionally empty a commode.

Yet my own shite, yes my jobbies, that go down the toilet everyday maybe more than once a day (IBS flair-up) I'm like yeeeeuuuch! Nope! Ignore! Ignore! Ignore!

Lecture over!

Jobby Letter in the post.

2 weeks for results.

Bought myself flowers on the way home.

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