
By JohnHeuston1

The truth about Red Bull

She said she drank six Red Bulls in a period of time that included a full-day and a night-shift. Apparently it 'keeps you awake'. Apparently it 'keeps you going'. Apparently, as we all know, it 'gives you wings'.

I am a Red Bull virgin. Never tried it, or any other energy drink. (see also never tried tea or KFC or Nandos, don't like beer). Tried Purdeys once and found it a bit too sweet, and while I've never had Red Bull, I think I know what I'm missing. I don't need wings. Ok, I'll have some of your's if we're in an American diner. I also find Mull of Kintyre a dreadful drone. No need for wings. And keeping me going? I do that myself, or in times of trouble, I find energy-drink substitutes in the form of 'determination' or 'resolve'. And if I need to keep awake, I keep going and have an early night.

I get the marketing thing, I get the slogan and I even get the sponsorship, and like everyone else, I was transfixed by the Felix Baumgartner thing and I like the soapbox competitions. But 6 in 24 hours? 2 in the same period? I'm not going to tell you the side effects - science can't decide on most things, so no doubt someone has written that it's bad for you, that you'll go a bit loopy, that you'll go to the bad fire, that everything should be in moderation, that it does not, in fact, give you wings. I'm not even trying the older generation 'we got on fine without it'.

Love the marketing, dislike the product. And I'm ok without the wings, thanks.

Must fly.

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