Socrates world

By adrizz

Phoenix and the invasion of the snow people

This was the moment life changed for Phoenix forever, that morning he had run and played on that spot and they were not there. This afternoon he went for his walk without a care - then they appeared - he had seen the Doctor Who Christmas special - he knew they were real, even if they looked like snow. He was scared, he ran , she called him back. He stopped looked but would not - could not move. she came to him and put him on his lead and tried to cajole him closer - saying - " Dont be silly, they are just snow men". Just snow men! Just snow men! - he knew that - which was why he was scared. He pulled back hard and slipped his collar and ran. Dam she told him to lie down and he could not refuse, so down he lay frightened. She put him back on the lead and slowly took him closer and closer to the men of snow. He had to obey even though she was foolish, he was trained to do as she asked - so he sat by the men with her. Let her show him that they did not move. He even sniffed them - but he knew he just knew. When she thought he was fine and had relaxed,she took off the lead - and smiled and laughed at his fears - she turned away briefly to check the time.........not a good move - he stepped back held his breath - a flash of white, she was gone where to be seen. the men of snow seemed nearer - their smiles cruel and wide. He moved on back to the van to sit and wait - but he knew he was waiting in vain.

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