Friday: Collecting The Kit

We’re taking advantage of a long weekend by heading north with Pam and Joy. They picked us up in a cab early afternoon for our flight to Yellowknife.

The trip started well - Joy is such a frequent traveller that she was able to get us all into the lounge.  They had beer on tap but my pint pouring abilities were so poor that even a complete stranger, on seeing the excessive foam on my pint, told me not to give up the day job.

Anyway, we’re now safe in Yellowknife where the temperature is currently -32.  Tomorrow it’s scheduled to be -37.  We’re here for a number of activities and luckily clothing is provided so this is us collecting it.  It’s all very padded and thermal but it hasn’t stopped our nose hairs freezing which is a really odd sensation. 

No activities tonight so we decamped to the Black Knight Pub (see extras) for drinks and dinner.  We’ve only been here a few hours and it already feels like a great adventure.

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