twinned with trumpton


A frustrating morning. Prep for the arrival of boys at lunchtime went on the back burner as John Lewis royally fucked me over re:delivery. So there's a bed for delivery on a lorry 5 minutes away that I want and you want rid off. But no. Your strict code can't be broken. Thanks. 
And while we're at it. Evans Cycles get an honourable mention for fuckwittery too. I get the impression if I hadn't chased them they would never have contacted me. 
Anyway I managed to say hi to Her despite her stresses before chumming the folks to the photos and portraits at the Portrait Gallery and a misguided visit to the Ingleby.

And so to pick up the boys, and home. A catch up with their London shenanigans. Lots of out of focus photos of the home changing room at the Emirates. 

Steak/ wedges was served and Alloa v the Arabs served up a snorefest as the evening wore on

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