Thirsk Lego Brick Show

Great day at the Thirsk brick show run by Brick Alley Lego Group. I was helping out and even had my own badge. The Lego creations were amazing. My favourite is the GBC great ball contraption. It is a contraption that is about 25 feet long and moves a succession of balls along the tables starting at one end and moving to the other. At the far end the balls are collected in a hopper and the kids were taking great delight in taking the balls back to the start and feeding them in to start the process all over again. There was a counter on the machine that said over 55 thousand balls had been moved. It was fascinating and very ingenious. I loved it. Part of it is the middle right picture. The boy in the picture is a family friend, William, with his raffle prize.
The top middle and on the left are Harry Potter themed. You will see the purple night bus and also a laboratory. The bus is part of a set where from the outside it looks like a lego book then when the book is opened the content pops up like a cardboard pop up book. Very ingenious again.
The top right is a spaced themed area. It has Star Wars and Dr. Who models.

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