
By dunkyc

The Apprentice?

"They" say that today was Blue Monday, allegedly the most depressing day of the year.

I felt there was a certain amount of truth to that, but then again on alternative Monday's I always feel blue as I drop my daughter off to school knowing that it will be over a week until I see her again. (I'm not looking for sympathy - the situation is one of my own making, but I'm allowed to miss my daughter!).

Having said all that, Hutch and I had a meeting with a chap about some life insurance today, which meant that she brought m'boy into work and subsequently gave me a much needed shot in the arm!

I tried to get him working, but as you can see, he was having none of it.

I'm quite relieved actually, because if he winds up like me and working in insurance, I'll disown him!!

I jest of course.

Well, a little bit...

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