It must be Sunday

because for breakfast we had drop scones (GF) with maple syrup. Last week I made a comment about wanting to taste a quality maple syrup, we get the Rowse (graded A) from the village shop, it’s fine.

When in the Co on Wednesday John spotted an organic Number 1 medium maple syrup. So what you may say. Well after my comment he looked up maple syrup and found the better quality is graded numerically, also light, medium and dark, with shades in between. Nanzy I look forward to hearing from you!

The gf drop scone recipe is an easy adaptation to the normal flour recipe taken from the very old BeRo book given to me from Johns mum, I bet there are a few out there. Mine is held together with an elastic band with many attached recipes. It was passed on to me over 40 years ago, she died ten years ago aged 96, we have no idea what age the little book is. Anyway half the mix is cooked plain and thin for John, the other has our own blackcurrants added and a thicker scone, they sometimes cook in a decent round shape, today they didn’t, this cook didn’t know then it would become a blip, a long one at that. Hooray if you’ve made it to the end.

Taster test result: the new syrup had more flavour, but at £5.00 something a bottle we expected that. Now I want to head off to Canada to do a proper tasting, J isn’t keen. Travel dreaming again.
And I hope you smile at the extra pic, I didn’t see the little rascal when taking the photo, he’s into everything. John lifted him away before the little oik did his own tasting.

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