twinned with trumpton


And so to school, through the remnants of the weekend 'storms '.

To the office! Phantom Brickworks and Philip Glass to dull the white noise.

I sneaked out for nearly 2 hours for Alex latest appointment at the hospital; ratios is this week's latest innovation. More learning / adapting and a steadfast refusal to talk about it from the laddie.  I wonder where he gets that from....

More toil, more white noise exclusion...I'm still sifting through various Cork techno artists highlighted in a recent Guardian article. ELLLL stands out and also blocks out too.

The main event however was the new bike. 

Trek Domane II, although to be fair I did little more than push it along to Hers and rustle up smoked salmon pasta accompanied by a glass of rather fine verdicchio. 

Predictably it rain (heavily) on the way home but I swapped the Giant over to ride the all seems very ok. Need to swap the strengthened wheels over, fit bottle cages and blah blah but hopefully I can now spend time getting the Giant done up and set about trashing the Trek as my hack bike....

Extra is old v new

**Stop Press - Weatherall - fuck! No! **

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