Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.....................

As I was passing the church this morning, I saw that the sunlight was shining through from the windows on the other side of the church and causing this wonderful sight. I remember singing that hymn when I used to go to Sunday school with my Nana.
Other news, I went to the gym this morning ( I haven't been since last week)and it was great to catch up with my friends. I felt better for it as well, although I didn't do very well on the sprint. My excuse was I've got a bad eye:-) John & Des both said I should get some drops for my eye, so I called into Boots, and the pharmacist was much better than the one I saw yesterday ( a different chemist) She said it's a burst blood vessel, and possibly dry eyes. She recommended some eye drops, and if it doesn't get better in about ten days to go to the optician. I had a quick look around town and then caught the bus home. Managed to dry my gym gear on the line, but now it's raining again, just for a change.

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