shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Out and about

At last some snow - but very wet and very restricted in its location! It was pretty heavy at one point in Stirling, so I came home at lunchtime, and laughed that it was all gone by the time the train went through Larbert! Ah well! Then a lovely evening out with my camera on a photo wander with a few guys from QPCC in the city centre, too tired to make up the panorama over the M8, so here is the Art School. I loved the lights through the railings here. Quote of the night: 'I really hope that someone tells us we can't take pictures'! That was because in a group of 4 we had 1 policeman and 1 sheriff, both of course with a pretty good understanding of what we're allowed to do. But no-one did! Ah the disappointments we have to bear in life!

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