David's Pics

By davejournal

Ink Spot

Another in my current "Cut Out and Keep" series of off-the-wall commercial products is the fantastically-shaped Mont Blanc ink-bottle.

With its ribbed glass sides and strange front reservoir I think it's a thing of beauty - it could so easily just be a boring old bottle but it's not.

I'd love to say that I sign all my "important documents" with a flourish from my classic fountain-pen but no, I hardly write at all now and when I do I get cramp and my hand turns into a claw.

Writing with pen and ink is a bit like listening to vinyl records- why would you?

But then again why wouldn't you?

As a postscript I hauled the old DSLR out to take tonight's blip - imagine my horror as in my minds eye I saw the battery sitting charging a few miles away at WORK!

So, tonight's blip is courtesy of my iPhone and a torch - sorted!

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