Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

Meet the Cat

I reckon the cat is spoilt. The mistress doesn't give me an electric blanket in my padded cell, or a very very expensive faux fur blanket to sleep on. When I moan, the mistress tells me that I'm not 13 years old multipled by 7, but when I get to be 91 years old she'll put me on a special display on her bookshelf. Hmph!

This Burmese cat has a name. Kassia. Named after a 12th Century woman Philospher who said something like 'When one needs to be heard, one must speak'. Fits. The cat never stops talking! Unless she's asleep.

In winter the cat moans until the electric blanket in her igloo is turned on. If the blanket has been put away, she moans outside the cupboard where it is until it's bought back out on the chair. She moans when it rains as she wants the sun, then moans cos its hot and she wants to be cool. Even the mistress reckons that its good to be Deaf sometimes!

High Maintenance in my book. The Mistress would be better off just having me.

This is a rare image of the cat who HATES her photo taken. Even when I was working her up, she was moaning. The mistress thought we could get the shot while she was sleeping, but as soon as she heard us, she had her head up. We got two shots and then she was gone. One shot wasn't in focus (but I secretly did that on purpose as I don't get an electric blanket!! He he he!!)

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