Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Farmersprotest in the city

Most farmers in our country oppose the plans from the government, that is to force them to diminish in their numbers! Less farms here, that is less farmers! And that all to realise less nitrogen deposition in our country. But the sad fact is that all research works done on behalf of the opposing groups (farmers and government) have different results!
It's crazy to see that the politicians in government have the power to destroy the farmers from our country. That is the people who grow our foods and the foods that are exported to so many countries.

OUr govenment unfortunately is mainly concerned with "Balancing the Books" like book-keepers.

My PC has been out of order and I was away from home for a short while, but now it's working again and I filled in the gaps with backblips.
Backblip 10

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