
By Geebliping

Fat Thursday

Today is Poland’s doughnut day  Adding to a long list of Polish national holidays, festivals, and traditions is this greedy Thursday known as TÅ‚usty Czwartek. Statistically, on this day, a whopping 100 million doughnut’s will ne eating by  the entire nation I will eat three .
Once a year, this day gives Polish people the chance to overindulge on food, throughout the country, if only for a day.
On this day, for many Polish people, it is the last day to eat lots of fatty, sugary food and drink alcohol before Lent . Some
people abstain from alcohol and meat completelytill Easter. Others continue to eat meat and alcohol during this six week period, but almost every Polish person celebrates Fat Thursday as the final day of eating indulgent foods ahead of Easter.

On the Wednesday before, and all day on Fat Thursday itself, expect bakeries to be queued out the door. What you will experience is a lot of sweet Polish food being sold and eaten,
Fat Thursday is celebrated nationwide in Polandand also by Polish people living abroad. Even immigrants and tourists who live in Polandlove to celebrate this exciting day.
Now try to eat a doughnut without licking your lips...

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