
By ScarletMonkey

Links between attachment and compassion

Fascinating read so far, it's making a lot of the knowledge from lectures click and make sense to me. One part talks about the difference in child rearing in Eastern and Western culture. In Eastern and more 'traditional' cultures there is generally a greater sense of community than in more Western cultures, that have a way looking at things individually, like life is a competition. Seeing things from an individual point of view inhibits compassion whereas seeing others as part of a greater whole with ourselves illicits compassion.

Secure attachments with caregivers in infancy help infants to regulate their emotions and help the physical development of the limbic system in the brain, leading to adults who show more compassion. In Eastern cultures, infants co-sleep with mothers and are held for much longer lengths of time during the day. Western industrialised humans are the only mammals who force their babies to sleep separately. There's no clear studies on the individual effect of co-sleeping but it's an interesting thing to chew on.

So does Western individualistic culture influence how we rear our children or is the way we raise our children creating a society lacking in compassion? Are we creating an endless cycle of societies that don't care enough for each other?

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