Gusty Weather

An earlyish start to drop the car off at Cumberland Auto in Loughborough to have the brakes fixed. Having dropped it off, Basil and I walked, via a nearby playing field, to St Peter's Café where I enjoyed an exceedingly good breakfast and Basil had a sausage.

Fred was there. We chatted for a bit. He had been a ship's engineer on the Union Castle Line in the 1960s going into the 1970s. He was interested to learn that I had sailed on the Reina del Mar in 1971 en route to Cape Town and Botswana.

I had intended to walk into town but it began raining heavily. I phoned Len to ask him to pick up Basil and me. The rain had stopped by mid afternoon.

The car is back and I feel a bit safer now the brakes are fixed.

Today's photo is of a rain splashed window. I've inverted it and converted to black and white to try and emphasise the raindrops.

Len is off to tennis shortly, and I shall have a salad for supper to try and make up for today's mega breakfast.

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