
By bananablip

Exciting times

This morning I had a meeting with a guy from the Diocese who wants to help me predominantly with funding but also with areas of growth and development. I wasn’t sure about it because I hate meeting for meetings sake but it was a really excellent time. We’ve been thinking a bit recently and talking to schools about Digital Detox weekends and exploring ideas around New Monasticism. Graham prodded me about this and made me answer some tough questions and fuel my thinking. Really helpful. This afternoon I got started on a reading list of literature that will hopefully be helpful as we pursue this idea a bit further. Interestingly, Becci had been having an interesting conversation at the local college about the same stuff while I was meeting.

This afternoon I popped over for an eye test because I’ve been getting quite severe headaches. I realised that for the entire time I was away from the office over the past week they had disappeared entirely and then reappeared the day I sat myself back in front of a computer. I have basically wanted glasses my entire life but have recently come to terms with having perfect eyesight! Today was told that I should be wearing a low prescription while at work. I got to choose glasses. I know it’s ridiculous and I am very grateful for good eyesight, but I am looking forward to getting them.

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