A single moment in time

By WannabeAmateur

Dreary Amsterdam

Oh, the joys of business travel when you can't just decide to call it a day! A wasted day yesterday at Edinburgh airport waiting for a delayed flight which was eventually cancelled due to the aircraft being declared unsafe! We managed to get seats on next flight but had to go through check in and security again. Of course, flight was delayed but eventually took off and we arrived in Amsterdam to discover our connecting flight had been cancelled. The battery on my blackberry was almost flat by this stage so a few frantic calls to our emergency travel line who sorted us some rooms in a dodgy hotel. Eventually got there about 11pm after the first taxi driver took us to the wrong hotel, which we only discovered after we queued to check in. Arrrrggggh....

Our flight is not until 4pm so another wasted day stuck in this hotel without luggage, but at least I can get some work done. What a view! Not!! Note the lack of snow!!

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