Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


I’m currently up to my eyes at work, writing an epic report on special educational needs which has taken 9 months to research and for which the deadline is looming rather terrifyingly...

So I’m making sure to get away from my computer at lunchtimes and head out for a brisk walk and some fresh air (by which I mean wind and rain!).

During my lunch break today I popped into the excellent Root Houseplants at The Bluecoat to replenish my indoor plant collection, and I also took the opportunity to request a photograph of Lisa, the shop’s owner - as part of the People at Work Challenge.

I’m a big fan of young, independent businesspeople like Lisa who do so much to keep the city vibrant and to offer a customer-friendly alternative to the generic chain stores. There’s something about the passion of people who love what they do and want to share it with the world. Good on you, Lisa! 

Today’s tune has obviously got to be ‘Houseplants’ by Squid 

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