
"He who sells an ox today will have an egg tomorrow."

Today I attended our theatre company's performance of "The Bald Soprano" (Eugene Ionesco). Bravo to these young thespians for pulling off this piece of theatre and sending the audience home with smiles and noisily appreciative chatter.  Well done to my colleague who directed the play with his usual dexterity in promoting effective use of space and the visual delivery of text through gesture. This was certainly an extraordinary and entertaining performance. 

The Bald Soprano, drama in 11 scenes by Eugène Ionesco, who called it an “antiplay.” It was first produced in 1950 and was published in 1954 as La Cantatrice chauve. The play, an important example of the Theatre of the Absurd, consists mainly of a series of meaningless conversations between two couples that eventually deteriorate into babbling. - brittannica.com

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