The Pizza Man at Work

Rach doesn’t work on Fridays, so this morning we all went to David Lloyd as Violet had a swimming lesson. We sat at the side of the pool to watch and I was absolutely amazed at her progress - she can swim without swim aids, and is fast, has style and has no fear of swimming with her face in the water. The instructor said to Rach that she needs to move her up to another class as she’s ahead of the other children in her class and it will hold her back now.

This afternoon we went out for lunch to San Lorenzo to celebrate Rachel’s birthday which is tomorrow. It’s a really nice Italian restaurant and the kitchen is open which I always think is a good sign. I spotted Manuel kneading the pizza dough, so thinking about the Blip Community challenge of people at work, I went and asked him if he’d mind me taking his photo.

We had a lovely meal, and I’d told the waiter that it was Rachel’s birthday, so once we’d finished they brought her a tiramisu with a huge firework candle and sang happy birthday to her.

It’s been a lovely day with my girls, tonight we’re just chilling - the girls have just gone to bed and the Prosecco is waiting.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

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