Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


"Dreaming of walking down the stairs can mean that you are experiencing emotional setbacks and doubts, or a current situation you are struggling with is deteriorating. It can also indicate that you are lapsing into negative subconscious thoughts or repressing your true emotions that have not been dealt with. This type of dream may also symbolize that there is closure with certain struggles in your life and that you are finding ways to solve specific problems."

The psychic library.

Difficult day health wise again. Been a difficult week. Good afternoon in the office ‘though. And good to get out, despite a long journey home. South Western trains were up the spout and they cited no less than four different reasons over the tannoy: a broken down train, faulty signals, a mysterious "operational incident" and a driver who turned into a blancmange and wasn’t fit for work. Ok the last one might not be true but it all felt very "unlucky" ...

The Dizzle welcomed us with the most incredibly clean, warm, candlelit home; it really was amazing to come back to. Stress levels dropped and feelings of being blessed went through the roof. We sat and talked and ate and played games and even The Girl Racer joined in over FaceTime from Canada. Fabulous evening, and it just goes to show that the best things in life really are the people you are closest to and the joy of home.

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