There's a bright golden haze on the meadow...

Oh! what a beautiful morning! Oh! What a beautiful day! (OKLAHOMA, the musical) As you may have figured out from my previous blip-posts, I commute from our beach house in NJ to NYC twice a week. The rest of the time I commute from our home in Brooklyn. This means that two mornings a week I rise extra early to allow for the additional 90 minutes of commuting's a lot of extra time but so well worth it. Truth be told, when the alarm sounds at this still-dark-outside-what-were-you-thinking-hour, I question the logic behind this commute. We could have driven home last takes but an hour to get to Brooklyn. I could well have slept in this morning and woken up later...much later...and still get to my office on time. It takes but 20-35 minutes, by foot, to get to any of my offices. But we never do drive back to Brooklyn on Sunday evenings, but soon after my first cup of java, just after the dog has eaten and sits wagging her tail in anticipation of our walk and we step out onto the porch I understand exactly why we never do. Most waking-at-the-beach mornings I am greeted with a magnificent sunrise that just makes me feel like everything is right with the world. (I know...I isn't...but for a brief few moments it is.) The sunrise is never the same. there are always subtle differences in the way the light hits the neighboring buildings, or how many and what kind of clouds are floating in the high or low to the horizon they are...which season we are in. But this morning was magical...otherworldly. The old victorian homes and inns -- each one -- were bathed in beautiful shadowy light...the clouds on the horizon had a pink tint to them. And, I loved the idea of capturing the silhouette of this bare tree at the beach at sunrise as a counter balance to the bare tree at the Brooklyn Heights Promenade at sunset which I took last week.

POST SCRIPT: As a follow-up to my very first blip-post...the down-but-not-out-lady has become a regular commuter! How wonderful for her!

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