Spending The Next Few Days In A Flat Field

A morning pottering at home with Sushi who’s still on half term. Cleaning the kitchen I decided my colourful tulips from last week were really past their best and ready for the compost....not before some photography experiments first.

After lunch I headed to the yard as the physio was coming to see China. Poor lad was quite sore and really enjoyed his massage and treatment. We are trying to work out why he is sore and think he may have been playing a little bit too much with his new friends in the field and a bit too much hooning up and down the big hill in the mud...He will be spending the next few days in a flat field!

After China’s treatment I headed to Hull to meet my friend K for dinner and an evening at the theatre. We saw The King and I. It was fabulous, the costumes were sets were really beautiful and the cast was incredible...Mrs Anna had the most beautiful singing voice and the King was really funny. Well worth our last minute decision to get tickets.

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