I bought a car!

It was made by Hot Wheels. 

Thanks to wrperry  I know that the nearby golf course is now a park. It is only seven minutes away driving. My dog is very intelligent (you brag about your grandchildren, I brag about my dog) and he needs intellectual stimulation. I usually provide it by giving him different places to walk. This is an entirely new, large place to explore, and therefore very exciting. 

There were many women in the park - I wonder why the gender balance was so skewed - but far fewer people than in the park right next to me (Rock Creek Park). 

 I hated to leave the park this morning because I knew when I got home I would have to work - yep, work - but I got in many solid and necessary hours, and tomorrow I will get in more.

Seven days sick makes one week. 

Thank you admirer. Not only does this inspire me to be silly, but I get to see other people sharing the silly. 

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