It's a Magical World*

We're all going to die.
It's inevitable.

And at the end of our day's, however long we've had, the one thing we'll all wish for is more time.
And there, as the light fades, however hard we rage, it won't be sitcoms and soaps. It won't be work and worries. We'll have forgotten fear and failure.
We'll want that time to spend with family and friends. To feel the sun warm our faces, the wind stir our hearts, to watch the rain make magical rainbows. We'll want to love and laugh, to sing our own songs, to nurture those who come next.

And non of us, not a one, will avoid the end.

Always a but.
We can make more time now, we all have that power within us. Right now we've a world of choices. Switch off the TV, leave the office on time, ignore the negative. Phone a friend, take a walk, search out wonder. Choose a different path, realise what matters most.

We can all choose to make more time for what matters most. That's real magic.

*I don't think there's been a year of my adult life where I've not found wisdom in the words of a small cartoon boy and his imaginary best friend the tiger.

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