Big Thumbs Up!

On the 5th of December we got out the scrapers and started work on the house in Fife. We set a deadline for today in Microsoft Project. There was a bit of wiggle room (not for the deadline - carpet fitters organised for tomorrow but it meant we could take less days off.)

So at 4:30pm today we washed out our last paint brush. Done. We have put in 433 hours over 65 days and added nearly 7,000 miles onto the car and Land Rover. 

I haven't done the budget yet, a few receipts for materials to add but my general feeling it is over budget but not by a huge amount, and in fairness we indulged in a bit of scope creep.

New blinds not arriving until early March.

Still to do? A bit in the garden and fill a skip. A wander round the house doing a snagging list and sort it. New toilet seat in shower room and a deep clean in there.

Time to find a tenant!

Feel the need to do a before and after comparison - I'll leave that until tomorrow.

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