Weather the Victor

This is ‘kill me now weather ‘! The railings on this empty play park were the only things in my day with any colour.

With the sleet borne in on an all pervasive east wind and a general miasma of hopelessness it took all my resolve to set out into the weather for a trip to Hobbycraft at Kinnaird Park.
This journey requires the use of the no 30 bus which is in itself challenging. There is always entertainment on this bus, though perhaps not uplifting entertainment - better to say no more than that.

Hobbycraft is a shop which fulfills all my creative needs and I could happily spend a whole morning wandering the aisles being inspired. What I did come away with was a crochet hook and some cotton. I would love to crochet a cylindrical basket. We’ll see........

The weather improved not a jot after lunch so I had yet another lazy afternoon knitting Cadbury’s Creme egg holding chickens and listening to classic FM.
Can spring be far behind or is it cancelled?

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