A Quarter Past Twelve

An interesting morning of photography at Bierton School. A previous resident of the village, who died several years ago, set up a trust to benefit village life, in particular the education of Bierton's youth. The local primary school is one benefactor from thid money. The trustees of the fund have set up a website to promote the trust, encourage applications and show what has been done so far. My job this morning was to take images in the school of the various ways in which the Griffin Trust has benefited the children. As maintenance of the church clock is paid by the trust, it became a subject for the camera too - this is one of the more arty shots.

News on car good - only the sump to be done as far as they can tell. Still over £600 but much less than adding in a new engine too.

Camera Club AGM this evening with a good turn out. All agenda items were approved and we allowed time for individuals to offer their views and suggestions as part of the whole group or quietly to me or another 'officer' - a successful night

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