
My heart sank when I slipped in the snow yesterday and felt my leg twist at the knee. Although I'd picked up a few other scrapes, there was no problem with the knee in the hours after getting home. I convinced myself I'd got away with it. When able to walk around without any discomfort, it was hard to imagine there could be anything wrong. But I kind of knew there was. My knee is like a time bomb. Once primed, it takes about eight hours to detonate, and then it blows up, like a balloon. I was in the library at an event in the evening and I felt it go off. When it finished and came time to leave, I was struggling to walk. I had to get home as quickly as possible. Forrest needed to come down and pick me up from the station. It's the weirdest thing.

It's been a day of hobbling around very slowly, taking a limp a few yards down the hill to find some more unsuspecting soul to engage in conversation. No sympathy is required. I expect to be perfectly fine again in a couple of days. 

This was taken from outside the front door. Rain in action. A reminder that it just keeps falling. At least it wasn't the worst day to be laid up inside the flat. 

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