
By Dibsie

Cat v's Troll

I was looking around for inspiration tonight and I thought I would take a little picture of one of my oldest possessions, my troll Clown, and tell you a little story behind how I got it.

So there I was setting up the photo, testing out some angles, which is what I was doing when I took this photo. As I was setting up, at no point in my head was I thinking, yes this is the shot I will use in my Blip until the very moment I took the picture.

At the precise moment my finger went to touch the button, Miss Cheetara comes out of flipping no where, grabs my poor troll and runs off!! I had no idea she was around, so she scared the bejesus out of me, I'll tell ya. But it made me giggle, which is why it's become my blip for today.

I'll save my Troll Clown story for another day...

Photo 22 of 365 challenge.

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