the colour green

By jukeys


I have made Nigella's ricciarelli tonight. I will bake them in the morning. Here's the recipe:

2 large egg whites
Pinch of salt
225g caster sugar
Zest of 1 lemon
half tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond essence
300g ready-ground almonds or 500g whole blanched almonds, ground
Icing sugar for dusting

Whisk the egg whites and salt until they are stiff and dry; then gradually whisk in the sugar until you reach a marshmallowy consistency. Add the lemon zest, vanilla extract and almond essence, along with the ground almonds; mix to a hard paste. Shape into small diamonds, dusting icing sugar over your hands to help form the lozenges. Lay on two baking sheets lined with greaseproof and leave to dry overnight. Heat the oven to 275F/140C/gas mark 1 and cook the ricciarelli for 30 minutes. When cool, dust with icing sugar and serve. Makes about 34.

Also bought a diary today. A gorgeous moleskin one. Lots to put in there over the next wee while :)

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