An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

Snow Day.....

.....indoors ;)

So, I doubt anyone has missed out on the snow over the weekend, it was everywhere, falling thick and fast and I was in the middle of it!

I was lucky though, I didn't get stuck, I wasn't sleeping rough, I had heating and I was safe, so I was able to have fun in the snow......but I know from the news that others weren't so fortunate.

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
~ Carl Reiner

I hope my fellow Blippers kept safe and warm.

A friend of mine sought refuge at home. Still recovering from an operation and numerous other ailments she thought it safe to stay inside although she longed to play in the snow!
Good thing really as if anyone were to slip and fall on the ice, it would be her!

So, instead, we brought the snow to her ;)

Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.
~ Andy Goldsworthy

I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.
~ Mae West

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