Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


Do you want to hear some good news?

I got confirmation today that my application has been accepted for a place on a training course. It’s very expensive but my employers are paying and giving me time off. The course is called Mentoring People in your Workplace who have been Bullied, Harassed or Sexually Harassed.

So when anybody (at any grade or level) feels they are being bullied in any way, they contact me and we arrange to meet and I will listen to them non-judgementally and sympathetically. Then take them through the various options open to them and give support through that.

I am nervous and excited all at once. I hope I can do a good job. I abhor bullying in any way, shape or form so I am happy about it.


Swam at 8.30am with 12 women and one very brave man (given it’s Leap Year) - hilarious. Coffee and homemade apple tart for beachbrekkie.. Gorgeous

I took a few snaps with my yumcamera but they are not good. Impossible not to have camera shake when you are shivering with the cold.



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