Light... and Darkness

Felt a small thrill when I saw that the Lent verse for today was Genesis 1:3:

God spoke: “Light!”
        And light appeared.

For me, what transforms photos from ordinary to special is always the light. Of course, without light, there would be no photo, but getting the right light is what creates the magic.

So it felt quite disappointing, initially, that we've had our first grey, drizzly day in ages - but then, if it weren't for the darkness, how would light be special? 

Happy singing at the Adega, followed by a session of laughing therapy at the Library. Inbetween, P confiding so softly I missed a lot, how awful her marriage is and how often she thinks of giving up.

Getting up from a good nap, Mike lighting the fire, tea brewing, our boy here with us, we hear that Caleb, the son of a friend of ours from All Nations College, has died after a car accident in Ethiopia. His Dad, our friend, died, leading folk in prayer, as an aeroplane he was on, crashed into the sea. Why so much tragedy in one family?? His Mum, his two sisters... so hard.

- light, in all its forms
- the hope of life eternal
- laughter and love and lament, all mixed up

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