Going over

a fairly busy morning - two loads of washing and sorting out some email.   Then to the sewing machine and I put. a decorative stitch around the neck of the nightie I am making.  It was quite weird the right side came out. on the wrong side.  Anyhow went with it and it was OK.  Changed threads again and sewed a seam.  Next seem the machine jammed and the bobbin case popped up.  U do screws and get bobbin case out and cleaned and replaced it - IT DID NOT GO BACK EASILY.    Still no joy stitches still loopy and bobbin case jumped again.  Several ins and outs and KH said order a new case - could I find which one my machine used NO.
After lunch I had another thought and said to KG I will try rethreading the machine and see if the works - it did!!  Popped over to LA (Long Ashton) this afternoon - the oldest granddaughter wants KG to teach her badminton and she is doing very well. Popped to Costco on the way home and decided  that it would be toasted bacon sandwiches for tea.  Went back to the sewing machine and the sleeves are now set in and ready to overlock the seams tomorrow.
My blip today is an EB as by the time I took this the light was gone and only the daffodils that are going over are left as I haven't discarded them yet 
A mixed day of weather some hail, sleet, sun and rain and very cold.
A good weekend to you all blippers 

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